I'm learning to code, I'm also learning to make games in godot, just started, still suck.
I also make bad music, I have a couple guitars I never pick up and I throw something into ultrabox every now and then. Fun website, make jams
Might learn to draw, no idea how to do that yet though, recently partially regained the will to live so I'm learning new things I guess!
All I really do is go to work and play games other than that, but my backlog is so big that I lose motivation to play games sometimes, that's why I started learning to code! Maybe making something will make me feel good...
Thought neocities seemed neat, might update this site every now and then, idfk.
I made ma first game, it's Pong, I called it Super Totally Awesome Neon Air Pong. Here's a link Hope someone has fun with it
I guess I turned this into a weird journal/blog thing, still not really sure what I'm doing with this website but if I do this every time I update it it'll get too big, I'll figure something out though.
The other day I saw a website on here that had a built in chat box, I might try to figure out how to do that to give this more personality. Idk. Have a good week y'all prolly won't have time to update this for a while
I guess I'm gonna keep updating this thing, might keep my thoughts in order, and if I would put down something I don't want other people to see then obviously I'm not living right anyways.
I made a new home page, so this isn't the home page anymore, that's good, the new home page is still ugly though.
I put links to some other stuff I have, I'm thinking about actually just putting the games I make on my neocities page itself, maybe I'll have a little arcade page or something! probably not.
That's all, have a good day.
I wanna fucking kill myself